HolonT Forth

Chess in Forth

A HolonTForth version of Chess in Tcl, a handy chessboard application useful for teaching the basic moves.

Provided both as an example application and for a comparison of Forth and Tcl code.

Note the absence of block markers, statement delimiters and command substitutions.


{} array board

" white" string white

" black" string black

white string toMove

{} list history

: reset ( | setup i x y -- )
    cast setup list
    { r n b q k b n r
      p p p p p p p p
      . . . . . . . .
      . . . . . . . .
      . . . . . . . .
      . . . . . . . .
      P P P P P P P P
      R N B Q K B N R 
    } setup setlist
    0 i set
    { 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 } { y } foreach    
        { A B C D E F G H } { x } foreach
            i setup " $x$y" board put
            i incr
    white toMove set
    {} history setlist

: moveMan ( move | to from fromMan -- toMan )
    cast move string
    " -" move split to set from set
    from board fromMan set  to board toMan set
    toMan " -$toMan" move append 
    fromMan to board set  
    " ." from board set
    move history append
    toMove white = if black else white then toMove set

: color ( c -- color )
    c ascii 97 < if white else black then color set

code sameSide? ( a b -- f )
    set f [regexp {[a-z][a-z]|[A-Z][A-Z]} $a$b]

white variable side

: valid? ( move | from to fromMan toMan x y x0 y0 x1 y1 dx dy adx ady -- res ) 
    " -" move split to set from set
    to {} = if 0 return then
    from board fromMan set to board toMan set
    fromMan color toMove != if 0 return then
    fromMan toMan sameSide? if 0 return then
    from coords y0 set x0 set  to coords y1 set x1 set
    x1 x0 - dup dx set abs adx set  y1 y0 - dup dy set abs ady set
    fromMan tolower " n" !=  adx not ady not or adx ady = or  and if
        x0 x set  y0 y set
        begin x x1 != y y1 != or while 
            x x0 != y y0 != or     
            x y square board " ." != and 
            if 0 return then  \ planned path is blocked
            dx sgn x add  dy sgn y add
    fromMan tolower case
        k of adx 2 < ady 2 < and return endof
        q of adx 0= ady 0= or adx ady = or return endof
        b of adx ady = return endof
        n of adx 1 = ady 2 = and adx 2 = ady 1 = and or return endof
        r of adx 0= ady 0= or return endof
    fromMan case
        P of y0 2 = dy 2 = and  dy 1 = or  dx 0= toMan " ." = and  and
            adx 1 = ady 1 = and " p" toMan sameSide? and  or return endof
        p of y0 7 = dy -2 = and dy -1 = or  dx 0= toMan " ." = and  and
            adx 1 = ady 1 = and " P" toMan sameSide? and  or return endof
    0 res set

: validMoves ( from | to move victim -- res )
    cast move string
    cast res list 
    {} res setlist
    board names { to} foreach
        " $from-$to" move set
        move valid? if
            to board victim set
            " -$victim" move append 
            move res append
    res sort

\ Translate square name to numeric coords: C5 -> {3 5} 
: coords ( square -- x y )
    {} square split y set ascii 64 - x set

\ Translate numeric coords to square name: 3 5 -> C5 
: square ( x y -- sq )
    x 64 + char x set " $x$y" sq set

\ Full name of man -- use: man Name 
{ k king q queen b bishop n knight r rook p pawn } array Name

\ Value of man -- use: man Value 
{ k 0 q 9 b 3.2 n 3 r 5 p 1 . 0} array Value

\ Returns the current numeric values of white and black crews.
\ [Locals are set to 0, thus the sums are already initialized. ] 
: values ( | square man whitesum blacksum -- res )
    board names { square} foreach
        square board  man set
        man tolower Value 
        man color white = if whitesum add else blacksum add then
    " w:$whitesum  b:$blacksum " res set


" .c" variable w

0 variable X

0 variable Y

{ bisque tan3 } list cColors

: manPolygon ( what -- shape )
    what tolower case
    b of { -10 8  -5 5  -9 0  -6 -6  0 -10  6 -6  9 0  5 5  10 8  
        6 10  0 6  -6 10 }    endof
    k of { -8 10  -10 1  -3 -1  -3 -3  -6 -3  -6 -7  -3 -7  -3 -10
        3 -10  3 -7  6 -7  6 -3  3 -3  3 -1  10 1  8 10 } endof
    n of { -8 10  -1 -1  -7 0  -10 -4  0 -10  6 -10  10 10 }    endof
    p of { -8 10  -8 7  -5 7  -2 -1  -4 -5  -2 -10  2 -10  4 -5 
           2 -1  5 7  8 7  8 10 } endof
    r of { -10 10  -7 1  -10 0  -10 -10  -5 -10  -5 -6  -3 -6  -3 -10
           3 -10  3 -6  5 -6  5 -10  10 -10 10 0  7 1  10 10 } endof
    q of { -6 10  -10 -10  -3 0  0 -10  3 0  10 -10  6 10 } endof
    endcase    shape put

35 variable sqw

\ 'where' is square in board (eg 3E), '@where' is preliminary tag for creating 
\ shape (@3E) 
: drawMan ( where what | f fill shape x0 y0 x1 y1 -- ) 
    what " ." = if return then
    w  what manPolygon  what uppercase? 
    if white " black" else black " grey" then " mv @$where" createPoly 
    sqw 0.035 * f set
    w " @$where" 0 0 f f scaleTag
    w " $where" tagBox y1 set x1 set y0 set x0    set
    w " @$where" x0 x1 + 2 /  y0 y1 + 2 / moveTag

code bindBoard ( w -- )
    bind $w  "push $w; drawBoard "
    $w bind mv <1> "push $w; push %x; push %y; click1 "
    $w bind mv  {
        %W move current [expr {%x-$::X}] [expr {%y-$::Y}]
        set ::X %x; set ::Y %y
    $w bind mv  "push $w; push %x; push %y; release1 "

: drawBoard ( | x0 x y rows row cols col cIndex tag -- )
    cast rows list  
    cast cols list
    w windowExists 
    if    w " all" deleteTags    
    else w createCanvas  
        w bindBoard
    15 x0 put  x0 x put  5 y put  0 cIndex put 35 sqw put
    { 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 } rows setlist
    { A B C D E F G H } cols setlist
    side white != if rows revert  cols revert then
    rows getlist { row} foreach
        w  5  y sqw 2 / +  row createText
        cols getlist { col} foreach
            w x y  sqw x add  x  y sqw +  cIndex cColors  " square $col$row" 
            1 cIndex - cIndex put
        x0 x put sqw y add
        1 cIndex - cIndex put 
    x0 sqw 2 / - x put
    8 y add  \ letters go below chess board
    cols getlist { col} foreach
        sqw x add
        w x y col createText
    w drawSetup

0 variable info

\ Tcl string substitution is very welcome in HolonTForth. 
: MoveInfo ( | v -- )
    " $::toMove to move - [values; pop]" info set

\ Need procedure to accept the three arguments for a trace command. The 
\ arguments are not used here. Colonwords can be called from Tcl procs. 
proc doMoveInfo {- - -} {

\ Create the board 
code theBoard ( -- )
    frame .f
    label  .f.e -width 30 -anchor w -textvar info -relief sunken
    button .f.u -text Undo  -command {undo; push .c; drawSetup }
    button .f.r -text Reset -command {reset; push .c; drawSetup}
    button .f.f -text Flip  -command {push .c; flipSides}
    eval pack [winfo children .f] -side left -fill both
    pack .f -fill x -side bottom
    pack .c -fill both -expand 1
    trace add variable ::toMove write doMoveInfo 
    bind . ?        {console show}
    bind .  {exit}
    set ::info "white to move"
    wm title . "Chess in Forth"

: drawChess ( -- )
    w destroy 
    " .f" destroy 


code getFrom ( w -- from )
    $w raise current
    regexp {@(..)} [$w gettags current] -> from

\ Stores from between click and release. 
0 variable From

: click1 ( w cx cy | fill move victim to fill newfill -- )
    cx X set  cy Y set
    w getFrom From set 
    From validMoves { move} foreach
        { -} move split victim set to set drop
        w to " -fill" ItemGet fill set
        fill " green" !=  fill " red" != and if
            victim " ." = if " green" else " red" then newfill set
            w to " -fill" newfill ItemPut
            " $w itemconfigure $to -fill $fill" 1000 doafter

: release1 ( w cx cy | to i tags victim target x0 y0 x1 y1 xm0 ym0 xm1 ym1 -- )
    cast tags list
    {} to set
    w " overlap $cx $cy $cx $cy" canvasFind { i } foreach
        w i getTags tags setlist   
        " square" tags search 0 >=    if tags pop to set  break    then
    " $::From-$to" valid? 
    if   " $::From-$to" moveMan victim set   
        victim tolower " k" = if " Checkmate" info set then
        w " @$to" deleteTags 
        w " current" " @$::From" DTags
        w " @$to" " withtag" " current" addTag
        to target set
    else From target set  \ go back on invalid move
    w target tagBox y1 set x1 set y0 set x0 set
    w " current" tagBox ym1 set xm1 set ym0 set xm0 set
    w " current" x0 x1 + xm0 - xm1 - 2 /     y0 y1 + ym0 - ym1 - 2 /  moveTag

: drawSetup ( w | x y -- )
    w " mv" deleteTags
    9 1 do 
        9 1 do
            doI y set 
            doJ 64 + char x set
             " $x$y" dup board drawMan

: undo ( | from to hit -- )
    history length 0= if " Nothing to undo" ErrorMsg then
    " -"  history pop  split  hit set to set from set
    to board from board set
    hit {} = if " ." else hit then to board set
    toMove white = if black else white then toMove set

: flipSides ( w -- )
    w " all" deleteTags
    side white = if black else white then side set
    w drawBoard
