HolonT Forth


HolonTForth implements a simple objecttype mechanism. Objects have private data and access methods that are activated by messages. There is no inheritance, objects are static with early binding. Example: 


Define: 55 variable var   
Use:    var 5 + .   5 var add   var print   var incr   77 var set   
for Forth freaks also:   var @ 55 * var !   

Messages and methods are separate items. The messages are defined as

Message get
Message set
Message add

The corresponding methods are scripts stored in an array for each objecttype. Example:

Objecttype variable 
set variable(instance) {set obj [pop]} set variable() {push $obj} ;# default method set variable(get) {push $obj} set variable(@) {push $obj} set variable(set) {set obj [pop]} set variable(!) {set obj [pop]} set variable(incr) {incr obj} set variable(add) {set obj [expr {$obj+[pop]}]} set variable(print) {puts -nonewline $obj}

The "instance" method is used when an object is created, it defines the instance data.

If the object is used without a message, the default message () is used.

Several messages call the same action, e.g. get and @, set and !. Choose what you prefer, or add your own!

HolonTForth presently also defines the following objecttypes.


Messages: get @ set ! print append index length tolower

Example:  " a little text " string S    
Use: " for you" S append    S print 


Messages: get @ set ! incr add names

Example:  {} array A    
Use:  11 1 A set    
      22 2 A set    
      1 A 2 A +  ( -- 33 )    


Messages: index @ get set ! setlist getlist append search revert sort length print
also to use a list as a stack: push pop

Example:  { 11 22 33} list L  
Use: 1 L index ( -- 22 ),  1 L get ( -- 22 ),  1 L ( -- 22 )
     1 L 2 L +  ( -- 55 )
     L getlist ( -- {11 22 33} )
     888 L push   L getlist  ( -- {11 22 33 888} )                           
     L pop  ( -- {11 22 33} 888 ) 


Messages: name get put open-w open-r close eof

Example: " source.tcl" file sfile  \ file object 
Use: sfile open-r      
     begin sfile get .cr          \ read a line and print 
           sfile eof 
until sfile close